Miguel's skydive

Ha! This is another post from the procrastinator. Heehee. But this is just a few days old.

It so happened that our Edmonton Team went for a
sky dive last saturday.
People, I can hear my heart beat when I think of jumping from an airplane.

This is an email that Miguel sent out to the team a few days before the skydive:

...The short answer is YES. I am scared, very scared, but nothing is gonna stop me! I will be there to make one of my dreams come true! I do not know what of the above has scared me the most. But after August 5, 2006, I will certainly know which one will have done it . I know that because nothing else has scared me that much with one week in advance. I used to get scared only a few minutes in advance, when it was time for the action!

I hope we all will enjoy it. I do not know if there are any experienced sky jumpers in the team, but I know we all will be at least a little bit scared. That will not be a reason to give up. There are different ways to cope with anxiety. Having written this message and shared it with all of you has been mine. Now I am not as scared as I was when I typed "Welcome to the air everyone". I am confident I will face it much better...

On Monday when I came into the office, Miguel was online. He was on night shift from Edmonton.
Miguel briefed me about the team outing.
Here is the Chat log:

Me : Good Morning Miguel :) !
Miguel :

Miguel : we survived


Me : Hey, name all of em... lemme guess


Me : Adam in the center


Miguel : TIP: only 4 of us work with SP

Me : aw!

Me : kk...u with ur hand raised

Me : red helmet

Miguel : you got it

Me : who are the others with SP?

Miguel : Jasen and Luckron

Me : Jasen the sitting one


Me: Luckron? Never seen him b4

Miguel : the last one, right side


Miguel : we all had lots of fun

Me : how many times did ya jump?

Miguel : only one, I jumped at 9:30 PM. no time for more jumps

Miguel : lots of people yesterday

Me : night ? :o

Miguel : PM, but still with some Sun light, we are in the North, jejejeje


Miguel :

Miguel : so, it was not in large airplanes, ok?


Miguel : yeah

Miguel : there were at least 100 jumps yesterday

Miguel : from only 2 small airplanes

Miguel : so, it was a very busy day

Me : 100 people jumping! :o

Me : and u jumped with an instructor ryt?

Miguel : no

Miguel : the instructor was always the last one to jump

Miguel : so, each time 4, 5 or 6 people

Miguel : + the instructor

Me : man, so it was a .....whew!

Miguel : but the instructor would be the last one

Miguel : heheheh

Miguel : the instructor had never reached anyone whose parachute did not open

Me : i can feel myself falling...... aaaaaaaaaaaah

Me : did someones parachute not open?

Miguel : oh no

Miguel : that had finished the day sooner than expected

Miguel : can you believe that in a country that has less than 40 million people we have so many risking their lifes? LOL


Me : and was it easy falling guiding the parachute?

Miguel : yes, that is the EZ part

Miguel : I lways knew that

Me : and wen u guys were falling...u fell silently or did ya scream

Miguel : I do not know if anyone screamed

Miguel : I do not think so

Miguel : for first jumpers the parachute has a system that the instructor deploys and the parachute opens in less than 6 seconds

Me : too much of technology, eh?

Miguel : not reallyMiguel : all is mechanical...and based in simple physical laws

Miguel : the deployment system is not electronic or wireless as u might have thought

Miguel : it is like a very small parachute that the instructor pulls as you jump


Me : so he pulls the string and ask u to jump

Miguel : no, actually he has it in his hand and when you jump he just stays there in the plane

Me : so u just gotta fall....

Miguel : so, it will release the actual parachute in just a few seconds, and you just fall

Miguel : and if it does not open thaye will spend a long time placing all your pieces together

Me : lol

Miguel : there was only one accident yesterday

Miguel : and it was not from someone we knew

Me : :o accident

Miguel : A guy just broke his ankle in the landing…

Me : uh!

Me : hows the landing, btw?

Miguel : most of the time is EZ

Miguel : but if you make a mistake you can brake your feet, knees or some other bones

Miguel : and if that happens it is also noisy

Miguel : crack

Miguel : you can hear that from several meters away

Me : ah!

Miguel : but that is nothing compared to a parachute that does not open

Miguel : I am finally gone

Miguel : after this line


Those who never turned up from edmonton, guys u missed the fun!

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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