Highlights of a jungle trip : Borrowed from Subho's Brainbit

Being a procrastinator, it took me long to blog this.

Date: 10th June 2006

SP&Belk's trip to Masinagudi.
A trip that we had been planing for 6 months! Deepak Dev was the first one to come up with the idea, and 4 months after both Muggy and Dev quit IBM, we are packing our bags again for the Massinagudi trip.
The rooms were booked well in advance (Stan and Sandy had done that around mid-May), but we were yet to finalize the transport. We spoke to a few vendors, but we couldn't seem to find a satisfactory deal; the govt. was planing to hike oil/gas prices. However, a few days before the trip we gotta a good deal, and finalized it as we were running out of time. We booked on a Tempo Traveller for Rs 14/km.
We planned to start from office around 4 in the morning and reach the Jungle Hut before noon.
Everyone was in the van by 4:15 and we were ready to move, but Sheruda was missing. We tried calling her, no one was picking the call. We decided to wait for another 30 mins. As expected, she never turned up (She slept off! poor gurl, she missed all the fun :p).
It was a long drive... I dozed off! Around 6:30 we alighted for breakfast at the Cafe CofeeDay on the Mysore road.

Life - The Turning Point
At the Breakfast table
After breakfast, we waited for Sandy and family to join us. They were in their Palio.
We reached Jungle Hut before Lunch.
Read below. :) Me still a procastinator! heehee
Subhadip Purakayastha - Brainbit: Highlights of a jungle trip


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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and wide...love to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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