Another weekend!

Hey people! I am back!:D
This is just a temporary template. The new one is still under construction.

The last weekend was pretty eventful.
Saturday I spent a hell lot of time on the new template for this blog.
An extra </div> somewhere in the code was driving me crazy, I could not fix it and had to start again from scrap.
That night, the Empeeror met with an accident and managed to get two ligaments in his right arm torn and lost a few finger nails.
I did not get a chance to see him, I spoke to him over fone.
Palas met him, and I am sure we can expect a good narrative from him.

Sunday, Ganesha Chathurthi.

Unmesh had gone to Kerala for the weekend, so we guys @ #63 decided to pay a visit to Dinu's house. Dinesh, Alex and Saji stay together near Banaswadi, half an hour drive from our place. Since there are no direct buses to Banaswadi from our place, we decided to take an auto-rickshaw.

At Dinu's house, we cooked rice, prepared chicken curry and egg burji.
While Alex was preparing chicken, we sat for a round of twenty-eight.
By 3PM, lunch was ready and we sat to feast. The curry was too spicy(little did we know we would suffer...heehee) but yummy.

Around 4PM we decided to go to the playground nearby and catch up with some cricket.
There are 3 colleges in this locality, including a nursing college;) , and we had hell lotta fun walking down the road to the playground.
Two hours of cricket, we were dead tired. Managed to reach home somehow, took bath and went to bed. Zzz

Looking forward to read Palas Bhai's narrative..."the BMW tractor"
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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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