At the tea shop

For a few months now, I have this weird shift timings... 3 AM to 12 PM!
I would call that a early morning shift, not a graveyard one (being optimistic :D).
For months together it was damn boring. With just me and Tem in the office, we couldn't even make use of the downtime to catch up with a game of Halo *sigh*.
Now that the Empeeror comes to work in the morning, we spend a few hours together. Rides to the tea-shop outside the gate of EGL is becoming a routine.
As always, the tea-shop is the best place to meet buddies who work in other offices! :)
Chaayakada rocks!!!

 Mervin clicked this snap for Chaayakada ;)

Category: 2 comments

Merry Christmas!

Folks, apologies for not being around for long.

I had to visit my home-town, and was gone for a few days. Ask why? Haha, that's what's my next post is gonna be all about!

Hey, howz my new template?

This one quite impressed me. Simple yet attractive, that is what I felt. I thought of giving my blog a new look, on new year! Oh yeah, and a new title and name, "Chaayakada" ! -the Tea shop - a place were mallus love hang around. They can gossip, rave and rant, discuss international politics or household affairs and what not, all over a cup of tea and pazham pori!
-----------that would be the new URL for this blog(in a few weeks).

Well, that goes with the kinda talk I do on this blog :) , what do you feel?

Cucek-ians from the 2004 IT batch wouldn't forget our MSN Chat room, Kelappan's Chaayakada.

The template, I got this one from . They call it the KISS template.

Their version of KISS for blogger had some bugs and didn't go quite well with my blog layout, hence had to modify it. I had to fix a few tags, and added some scripts and modified the CSS.
I would appreciate, if you could scribble a comment and let me know how this one looks.
My version of the code is available, click here.

Merry Christmas to all you folks out there!

Pic courtesy : Deviant Art

TAG - The Pundit Blogger!

Another cool thing from Blogthings!
This one made me proud *smug* *blush* !

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few.

I am a Pundit Blogger! *rofl*

Here comes the next one...

You Are 27% Selfish

In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.
But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you.

So I am selfish *:-*


You Are 24% Abnormal

You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul.
You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.
You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

Ah! I'm kinda mentally stable, uh? *:-*


You Are 77% Grown Up, 23% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.

The Kid in me wants something *dreaming* *;)*

Another one that made me proud *smug* ...

You Are a Dare Devil

For you, life is one big dare.
And you're all in for any adventure.
Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating.
You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself!

Ah! Kinda interesting...
I think I should tag someone.
Let me invite Subhadip and Palas.

How to do this tag?

Simple, follow these links, do the tests and copy paste the code generated into ye post!

1) What Kind of Blogger Are You?
2) How Selfish Are You?
3) How Abnormal Are You?
4) How Emotionally Mature Are You?
5) How Daring Are You?

At last!

From the time I could remember I did not like the idea of getting to know her. I always felt she is something beyond my reach.
People said she was tough, and that she was the best. Somewhere in my mind I got this feeling, I wanted to know her. As I grew up, that feeling got buried somewhere in my mind, I never got to meet her, lack of oppurtunity and I was too busy with other things.

Now I have grown up, i was reluctant, but I wanted to give a try. "Am I ready" was the question that lurked in my mind. I told myself I am ready...I should be, com'on I am a grown up and a comp tech, I would be able to tackle any unpleasant situation that might arise. I wanted to give it a try.

It took me 5 months to arrange a rendevous. When I started, I had no hope that I would make it to her...i had to face a lotta hurdles!
Eventually it happened... I got a email briefing me on the date, time and venue.
06/11/2006...I started early from my home, I didnt want to be was gonna be a new day, a new begining, and I had made up my mind : if she turns out to be interesting, she is gonna be with me for long! The traffic was heavy, as anticipated and I was late. My heart pounding hard as I neared the venue. I opened the door, and there... She was in all her glory, I loved her at the first sight. I found myself whispering "Been waiting for this day babe"

A couple of days went by and I got to know more about her. I was starting to like her. She wasn't that tough..."Oh babe!"

Wednesday... I thought I should sit next to her, it might help me get to know her more. I dont know if I was lucky, but this was going to be a rather eventful day.

About 2 hrs later, i realised we were alone. I moved heart was beating faster... I found she her top wasn't fastened... I was feeling lucky! i looked around... and undressed her! I loved what I saw... I was enjoying every bit of it.. beautiful, awsome! I was left dumbstruck... did not utter a word...

Did I stay away for like her like hell ?

I regained my senses after a while, brought out my cell and clicked a few snaps!
I didn't know where to start clicking...i could not find the processor, all I could see were arrays of boards and cables. But I did make out a few parts. AIX! Unix for the RS/6000 machines...IBM eServer...the architecture... extremely beautiful, atleast I felt so!

My Geek Code!

Kickassso got me to check this page:

And yo! here is my geek code:


Version: 3.1

GCS/E/IT/MU d-@>++ s+: a-- C++$>++++ UAC++(+++)$>++++ P@>$ L@>+++++ E W+++(+++)$>+++ N o K---(---)? w++++$>+++++ !O(----)@ !M-- !V-- PS+(++)@>+++ PE@>+++ Y@ PGP+>+++ !t@ !5 X+(++)$>++++ R@* tv b(++)>++++ DI++++ D++(++)>+++ !G e++(++++)>+++++ h(+)>++$ r++(+)> y+**


Category: 0 comments

Hello Aara?

One sunday evening @ SBZ Blore.

As usual, the four of us sat for a round of Twenty-Eight after dinner.
Umach and Sasi vs Kannan n me. The opposition was in full form...u can c Unmach wearing a make-shift kunukku(earings for the loser) hehee

The stars didn't seem to favour Unmach, as the game proceeded the number of kunnuks increased. Like the song bird awaiting the rains, Unmach sat there trying hard to win a game n remove atleast one of the umpteen kunnuks. While we were preparing to crown Macho (as a rule, we crown the loser after a number of kunnuks)there comes an SMS from Aswin :

"whose number is 09388338388. She called me and asked your fone# i didnt give it.
I told her that I will ask you to call her. "

Aswin is in Hyd, he calls us once in a while, but never smses. With national sms@ Rs.2 and A2A std calls @ Re.1, he prefers a call over sms. So, this sms did make me feel uneasy.
I called him up,
" Dey, wutz dis sms all abt? "
" Da, a gal had called, talked in typical trissur accent, asked for you. "
" And? "
" I told her, u are in b'lore but she wudnt listen, she says someone told her that you wer wid me. Orupadu paranju noki(tried to convince her), but she wudnt litsen. Then I told her I would ask you to call her. I didnt give your number. Neways try calling, aru anennu ariyallo (we cud kno who that is). "

My uneasiness doubled.

"Da Sasi, wat to do"
"Try calling da, wats in it?"
"Ennalum, ee rathri evidunnu vilikana, mobilil ninnu vilikenda" (But, its too late to go out n call, dont call from our mobile)
"OK, let me try, wats the number"
"Haa, that's a prank, I have seen that number before"

Well, I won't spoil the fun of that by writing the whole script here. Haha! u need to call that number...its funny.

Ah! Now since this was a prank, I thought of fooling other friends as well (how could I resist that feeling,hehee )

I knew Aswin would have forwarded this sms to many of our friends, so I had to choose intelligently. I picked Philin, Vargheese and Dinu. The responses were terrific!rofl

We didn't get a response until 10PM. At 10, Vargheese calls, seeing his name flash on my fone, i couldn't control my laughter, so Sasi had to pick the call. Sasi puts the fone on loud speaker...

" Hello enthada?"
"Vimal chettai enthiye?"
"He is in the washroom, wassup?"
"Eda Sasi, did he talk about a call for me?"
"Ah! A gal had called, Vareesutti inda, enna chodiche, I guess she is from Trissur"
"Eda thats a big racket, my friend also gave me that number, he says thats of a pro"
"Poda, its nuffin of dat sort"
"Allada I 'm serious, He said dat gurl wud reply to watever u ask? Well, did u guys give her my number"
"Hey, dont be scared, Vimal has handled it well, she asked if you weren't around, He said you are not in Bangalore. She was very stuborn and said we are liers. He convinced her that he would get you to call back."
"Eda, dont give any details, I am sure they wanna trap us."
"Why dont you try to find out who that is, dont be scared da"
"Hey, dont be silly, I dont wanna get into trouble, it'll be a big disgrace if d police finds out"
*Everyone is Giggling, I rush out of the room unable to control my laughter *
"Ok, call from Ernakulam"
"Ok, tomorrow morning I'll call. If possible ask Vimal chettai to call me" *Click*

*All four of us are rolling on the floor laughing =*

10 minutes later, Dinesh calls :

"Edo I called that number twice, I was shocked. That gurl's voice is amazing! hahaha! I took sometime to realize that was a prank"

@ 11 , An anxious ASN calls... Again Sasi picks the fone, on loud speaker.

"Eda wers Vimal"
"Sleeping" *Giggles*
"Da I had sent him an sms about a fone call, did he find out who that was"
"No, he was told us he wud call tomorrow"

We didn' want Aswin to sleep in peace either. Hehehe

Next day,

Philin : "Eda, ithentha sambhavam...I am going crazy, who the hell is she?"

Poor fella, I releaved the truth! veruthe adi vangenda ennu karuthi! *grin*

In the afternoon we called ASN, dats wen we came to know about the perfect prey!

Suj had called ASN thrice about this sms, the first time he called was to ask wut this sms was abt, ASN told him the same story, "aa trissur kari penne".

The second time Suj called, was to tell him that he was confused.
"Eda, who is this, she is not giving any clues, i asked if she is Reshma or Karthika, etc. I cant make out the sound, she disconnected telling me to call her wen I find out who she is"
"Da, dont worry you try again, u myt get some clue"

Suj called a third time, he was still confused, he was tensed and shivering.
"Hey, she disconnected again and the same dialogue. wtf, who is she"
Again Aswin's re-assuring tone, "Eda she myt be trying to fool you. Call her once more and shout at her"

I am sure Suj tried a forth time. As soon as Aswin disconnected, we got an sms from Suj...

"whose number is 09388338388. She called me and asked your fone# i didnt give it. I told her that I will ask you to call her. "

Vimal Returns!

Hi Blogger! I am back after the vacation!
I was in God's own country for 9 days! There is a lot to write.
These 9 days away from work has made be a lazy bum :D! Moreover, today is Sunday, I am not in a mood to type in a looooong story. Heehee. Sorry to disappoint you buddy, but I promise to come up with a good post asap. >:d<

Honestly, its not about the mood, its just that I partied whole night yesterday and through the morning today, now feeling tired, and my poisoned muscles can't seem to lift these lazy bones. Zzz...
Category: 1 comments

Happy Onam folks!!!

Here, this is an old creation...

Going home. Catch u guys sooon!
Category: 0 comments

Another weekend!

Hey people! I am back!:D
This is just a temporary template. The new one is still under construction.

The last weekend was pretty eventful.
Saturday I spent a hell lot of time on the new template for this blog.
An extra </div> somewhere in the code was driving me crazy, I could not fix it and had to start again from scrap.
That night, the Empeeror met with an accident and managed to get two ligaments in his right arm torn and lost a few finger nails.
I did not get a chance to see him, I spoke to him over fone.
Palas met him, and I am sure we can expect a good narrative from him.

Sunday, Ganesha Chathurthi.

Unmesh had gone to Kerala for the weekend, so we guys @ #63 decided to pay a visit to Dinu's house. Dinesh, Alex and Saji stay together near Banaswadi, half an hour drive from our place. Since there are no direct buses to Banaswadi from our place, we decided to take an auto-rickshaw.

At Dinu's house, we cooked rice, prepared chicken curry and egg burji.
While Alex was preparing chicken, we sat for a round of twenty-eight.
By 3PM, lunch was ready and we sat to feast. The curry was too spicy(little did we know we would suffer...heehee) but yummy.

Around 4PM we decided to go to the playground nearby and catch up with some cricket.
There are 3 colleges in this locality, including a nursing college;) , and we had hell lotta fun walking down the road to the playground.
Two hours of cricket, we were dead tired. Managed to reach home somehow, took bath and went to bed. Zzz

Looking forward to read Palas Bhai's narrative..."the BMW tractor"
Category: 0 comments

A small step...the giant leap*dreaming*

I am back :D, after a busy week *whew*!!!

Feeling refreshed after 4 days of extreme brain activity!
I am talking about my interview with IBM ISL. It all began with the development discussion with my managers in IBM. Following the discussions, I started to look around for internal job postings... my eyes always on ISL;) , been drooling abt it for long.

After an exhaustive search I was able to find contacts in ISL. *thats secret **shhh!* . Heehee, I am not gonna publish it.

Discussed the movement with ze contacts and forwarded my profile. I never expected such a quick response, people I am in India! Hmm, things happened pretty quick, on Friday I got a call from one of the Managers in ISL ,"when can you appear for an interview on c/c++/os/testing ?"
Dis tym I was knocked outta my senses!

Since the excitement would kill me, i decided to take it at the earliest, got the appointment for Monday @ 1700 IST!

Friday evening, Saturday, Sunday and Monday morning were like, I dont know how to describe it, my dormant brain cells sprang to action, helping me read any c/cpp/os stuff that came my way and trying hard to retrieve loads of stuff I had read 5 yrs was painful to clean up the dusted memory and establish proper neural connections. After hours of hardwork I could feel connections falling into place somewhere in my head.*whew*

Terror!st and Demolish kept a check on me during the preparation, heehee...they know me too well! Bhailog, hope I'll be able to live upto your expectations:)
Kickasso sent me some c/cpp faqs and Terros!st helped me a great deal with OS.

Well, after all the brain blowing excersises, the time came for the interview *sigh* My body temp dropped, I was freezing!

I walked into the meeting room to face 3 panelists - people with 8+ years of experience in IBM!

After a quick intro we entered a tech round, we started with Java, first a Helloworld program! Hey, thats nothing to laugh at, in the last 28 months I have rarely written a line of code! That makes me a fresher *heart broken*
The Shelling lasted for almost 90 minutes and I think I got away with more than 60%!:D
After the first 90 minutes, there was another 30 minutes with the Manager.
They were looking for a 2yr+ experienced guy, that was another heartbreak.
Hmm, now their concern was whether could pick up the project in a couple of months.
I tried to convince them with my PBC Ratings and "thirst-for-knowledge".
Hmm, if they recognise it, I would be all depends on the result of the tech round. I am optimistic, lets hope for the best . *praying*

I forgot to mention, me blog was honoured, ze Manager peeped in and bookmarked me!:D

Well, that was my first interview on developement skills!

I still remember my interview with Ashish, for GSDC. The first question shot to me was "How good are you at N/W and OS?", next "Whats a DHCP?", "Lease? Explain how the lease is obtained", "Good, ....." a series of bombs followed, and finally "How much do you earn, and how much do you expect ?", " OK, I'll offer you...., glad?" . Remote Administration! that's the word that made me take the offer and join! lolz

I really wish this one was like that! Taking up this interview was a li'l step, if selected, it would be a giant leap! A dream come true!

Me gone Bonkers !!!

Your EQ is 160

50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick!

51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese.

71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely.

91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that.

111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt.

131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin.

150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar.

Got this from kickassso. I went bonkers at that result! lol

After the EQ test, Blogthings got onto my mind, I surfed for some interesting tests, this one did attract me...another surprise. lol

You Are 72% Gentleman

You are definitely a gentleman. You're very considerate and you have excellent manners.
Occasionally, you slip and do something foolish... but usually no one notices!

SbZ B'lore ++

People, it's more fun at home now-a-days!
Last week Sasi joined us. Hmm, that makes us 4 @ #63 and 6 in B'lore.
Sasi, has quit his job in Tvm and is looking for better perspectives.
Lets hope for the best! *praying*
Last month Sujju had visited us. The procrastinator again, forgot to blog that! heehee
Anticlockwise, from bottom: Sujju, Unni, Unmach!

Varghese had also come to B'lore. He was here for a few weeks. After a series of misfortunate events, he decided to go back.

Last month also saw me getting into a day shift. Whew! me having breakfast, lunch and dinner on time! Believe me, more than 3 meals a day, and on time! lol... guess I am putting on weight. I am quite enjoying this shift, more time with friends @ home, less of lonliness, more productive time, etc.

August might see me less and less on Orkut and Y!M, got a lot of work, honestly...pending work.

Yeah, I have decided to try and avoid procrastination... so you can expect regular updates blogger!

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About Me

My photo
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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