At last!

From the time I could remember I did not like the idea of getting to know her. I always felt she is something beyond my reach.
People said she was tough, and that she was the best. Somewhere in my mind I got this feeling, I wanted to know her. As I grew up, that feeling got buried somewhere in my mind, I never got to meet her, lack of oppurtunity and I was too busy with other things.

Now I have grown up, i was reluctant, but I wanted to give a try. "Am I ready" was the question that lurked in my mind. I told myself I am ready...I should be, com'on I am a grown up and a comp tech, I would be able to tackle any unpleasant situation that might arise. I wanted to give it a try.

It took me 5 months to arrange a rendevous. When I started, I had no hope that I would make it to her...i had to face a lotta hurdles!
Eventually it happened... I got a email briefing me on the date, time and venue.
06/11/2006...I started early from my home, I didnt want to be was gonna be a new day, a new begining, and I had made up my mind : if she turns out to be interesting, she is gonna be with me for long! The traffic was heavy, as anticipated and I was late. My heart pounding hard as I neared the venue. I opened the door, and there... She was in all her glory, I loved her at the first sight. I found myself whispering "Been waiting for this day babe"

A couple of days went by and I got to know more about her. I was starting to like her. She wasn't that tough..."Oh babe!"

Wednesday... I thought I should sit next to her, it might help me get to know her more. I dont know if I was lucky, but this was going to be a rather eventful day.

About 2 hrs later, i realised we were alone. I moved heart was beating faster... I found she her top wasn't fastened... I was feeling lucky! i looked around... and undressed her! I loved what I saw... I was enjoying every bit of it.. beautiful, awsome! I was left dumbstruck... did not utter a word...

Did I stay away for like her like hell ?

I regained my senses after a while, brought out my cell and clicked a few snaps!
I didn't know where to start clicking...i could not find the processor, all I could see were arrays of boards and cables. But I did make out a few parts. AIX! Unix for the RS/6000 machines...IBM eServer...the architecture... extremely beautiful, atleast I felt so!


Anonymous said...

gorgeous ,eh?:P
but let me tell u ,it aint goin to work with ppl who know u well, for instance someone like me :D

Anonymous said...

Good one Vimal.....
Be a story writer....

kickassso said...

naughty naughty.. voyeur PPC pix :-P

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey. Cool Story. It's almost like you have a woman ;)
I like the unbuttoning thing, it's very sexy =D

Jenni x

Unknown said...

can i also have some fun with ur new found luv....huh...plzzz

ViMaL said...

@ Dawnie: com'on! u gotta respect her beauty, stop being jealous will u :P

@ Sanjeev: pay me for it, i will :D

@ Kickasso: shhh! wut will she think :P

ViMaL said...

@ Jen: Honey, I know u would like it! :P Cant resist the softness babe :D

@ abhishek: Mojo, u r welcome, she wouldnt mind! lol

pam said...

She is tempting...

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