At the tea shop

For a few months now, I have this weird shift timings... 3 AM to 12 PM!
I would call that a early morning shift, not a graveyard one (being optimistic :D).
For months together it was damn boring. With just me and Tem in the office, we couldn't even make use of the downtime to catch up with a game of Halo *sigh*.
Now that the Empeeror comes to work in the morning, we spend a few hours together. Rides to the tea-shop outside the gate of EGL is becoming a routine.
As always, the tea-shop is the best place to meet buddies who work in other offices! :)
Chaayakada rocks!!!

 Mervin clicked this snap for Chaayakada ;)

Category: 2 comments


Unknown said...

kikikiki................kollallo vidhyadhara..........

Anonymous said...

Wow, your shop is like a little hut :)

I'm glad Indian people like Tea, i thought it was just a u.k thing ;) it's nice to know that we are not alone :D

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
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