Thadian - The new version

7:30 PM, Friday 28th April.
I was alone at home, watching T.V. when the doorberll rang. I was expecting Kannan and Unmesh to turn up, I opened the door to find a stranger at the door.
There was a big fat guy smiling at me. He looked familiar, I scanned my memory for a name associated with this face...
A few seconds ticked away before I found an association, Sajith, but is this him? This guy with long hair and a "w " shaped goate with no way!

I said, "Hi, what do u want?" and got an unexpected reply,"Da panni, ithu njana!"

Finally, Sajith made it to Bangalore! He rode his TVS Fiero F2 all the way from Mysore.
This guy has changed a lot since I met him last December. I guess he has put on an extra 15 Kgs!!! His long hair look was "Adaaaar". I couldn't bear it any longer and burst out laughing.
Kannan and Unmesh were also dumbstruck. Sharun too joined us for dinner.

We ordered chicken 65 from the new Family Restaurant at Suddaguntapalya, and settled down with Bacardi & Sprite. Sharun had a peg and got drunk! It was a lot of fun... I opened my eyes when the sun shone straight into my face.

Click here to see Sajith's Version of the story

Yet another post

Hi World!

Last couple of days were gone refreshing my knowledge on CSS and HTML.
As you can see there are some changes on the template of this blog.
Still trying to make it better.

I have still not decided what to write.
Let me think for a few more days. In the meantime, I'll be on some HTML books.
If you don't use a thing for long, it'll degrade. This also applies to my brian.
So let me get it working, before it refuses to work at all.
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Pondering over my blog.

Its been a long time since I wrote anything.
I am still wondering what should I write about.
In days to come, i might write better...
"How to start ?" is now the big question in from of me.

Should I write technical tips or about day to day things in life?
Be it anything, I know I will be putting my thoughts here... so does it realy matter what I write?

Again, what I publish is what you read. My blog will be a reflection of my mind...
and my picture in your minds will be shaped from what u read here, atleast for those who doesn't know me personaly.

I am still wondering what should I write?
Category: 0 comments

Hello World!

Hello world!

This is my first post on blogspot.
I used to maintain a blog during college days, used to call it DreamWeb.
But its history! After 2 years I am writing again.

In the last 2 years the World has changed a lot.
Westernization of Indian culture and Indians wearing expensive, but little clothes, is among one of the many changes that disturbs me.
Not that it makes me feel sad or depressed, but that it is disturbing the harmony of my mind in some way or the other.

I do not care about what other people wear, it is none of my business. But for some reason, I think, the way people live affects society a lot. And we being social animals, it affects us one way or the other. I feel different when I reach my village, I become a different man, happiness within and elevated spirits!

2 years out of college...I feel I have changed a lot.
Even Life has changed a lot. Life used to be a dream, it used to be fun...but all of a sudden there is more of suffering, pain and loss. Now it’s a run to make a living, to survive.

My intellectual value has also fallen. I feel I am a big ZERO!
Back to college days, I used to be a techie. I used to have EK beside me.
(Am not forgetting friends and family..they are always there. Its a different side of life, the evergreen side)Never felt I was alone. I always had something or the other to do...someone or the other to talk to.

Then there was our "DreamWeb". Made, hosted, and maintained by us....we were called the Cyber Age couples! During breaks we used to exchange floppies...content to be viewed and updated on the DreamWeb. DreamWeb was full of flash movies, PowerPoint presentations, password protected Word documents and an up-to-date blog of our lives.


Its me and this lonely life. I hate this city life...but again, holding on to survive.

But I know I should live. I will. Everyone says that's life.
Shouldn't I believe it when everyone says so?
I do, and I am living....

Will the evergreen side dry someday? I know that will be even more painful.
But I will live.... there should be a purpose for this life, there will be, for sure.

I dont want to make this a dry blog...filled with tales of tears, pain and all thats bad and negative.

I want to be u can expect this to a colourful blog, with occasional salt and pepper of memories, of course its a reflection of my mind.

I read this post over and over many things are going past my mind, they are moving faster than I could write.

And if I write more, it could get more let me publish this now, or its going to be never!

My shadow's the only one that walks beside me
My shallow heart's the only thing that's beating
Sometimes I wish someone out there will find me
'Til then I walk alone...

About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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