The Revamp in 2011!

Oh my! such a long time without a single post here.
This blog has been ignored. Life moved on, technology progressed and the world runs Web 2.x and connects via 3.x G . Am I not late for a change???

This is the era of micro-blogging, of Tweeting, of social networking - Facebook overtaking Orkut. I am not regular on Twitter either. All I could do was be active on Facebook. No blames. It was just the time of life that everyone goes through.

So its time for a new template and a new address. Chaayakada has been archived and the blog has been baptized as VimRants, just to make it sound more like me. The genre and style we thought of working Chaayakada out on is lost. I do not know where it went, it seems more impossible now. Largely because people who would reflect on Chaayakada has evolved brains that work on more complex matter and cant think simple anymore! hehe.

So welcome back myself and everyone else who wanted to see Chaayakada.
For new guests, thanks for stopping by and Hope to see you again soon !
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* Atchooo! Atchooo! *  Ah! this blog is so dusty! "Cleaning it up and renovating " - not a procrastinator's statement, no more! :D  
It is visible, this new outlook, the new template...its evolving. 
Yeah! Welcome back to Current Vasu's Chaaya kada! 
Would you like a "glass" of ssttrrrooong tea, and a 1000W smile? 
Category: 1 comments

The sea shell from Pondy

This is the height of procrastination. A post due from Nov 2006!!!
Bhailog went for trip to Pondy on the long weekend in November last year.

On the beach we had picked up a sea shell that looked beautiful and different from the others.
Since we were unable to capture it on Subho's 35mm Film, due to some unavoidable technical problems, we decided to carry it back to Bangalore. For 2 whole months it lay in my cupboard, forgotten and to be re-discovered sometime in January while cleaning up the cupboards!
I felt like crying when I saw the shell, it had lost color and no longer looked special .

Redirecting you to Subho's Brainbit on the trip:
Subhadip Purakayastha - Brainbit: Courte voyage sur Pondicherry...
Category: 4 comments

Orkut Scrap flooder

As we all know, the Orkut Interface is undergoing updates frequently.
Due to the changes in layout, the older scripts available on the net were not working.
Palas bhai, here is the working version of the script - Orkut Scrap flooder.
I have left the script intact except for a minor change, the ‘tb’ tag number.

javascript:var i=0;
function de(){i=Math.floor(Math.random()*98153556346);
document.getElementById('scrapText').value="Palas Bhai ki Jao![:p]"+"[silver]"+i;

Flood it!

Are you somewhere feeling lonely?

I woke up around 2 AM. I felt uncomfortable and it was painfully cold.
It was dark except for the occasional light beams that swept past through the glass windows.
I could feel the train was moving, and the sound of moving machinery beneath told me we were cruising at a high speed. I was on the upper berth, that too the one on the side.

I sat up wondering how to combat the cold that was cutting deep into my bones.
I was wearing a jacket, but for some reason, I could feel my bones freeze. It took me a few minutes to figure it out; the fan was blowing the cold air right into me. I could feel numbness in my head as well. After what seemed to be quite a long time; I climbed down, switched off the fan and looked around. Everyone seemed to be fast asleep. As it grew warm I felt better.

Around 7 AM we passed the Palghat Junction. I also bought a copy of Dan Brown’s The Da Vinci Code, someone was selling it in the train. For some part of the journey, I sat reading the book. It is better to say I was pretending to read the book, my mind was not at rest, haunting memories.

Our last trip together on a train, to Guruvayoor.
I could see my Kuttan and her very dear Kuttetan on the upper berths, lying there looking at each other, wishing that the journey never ended, and that we never parted…

I could hear someone play that song- Lionell Richie’s voice,

I long to see the sunlight in your hair
And tell you time and time again how much I care
Sometimes I feel my heart will overflow
Hello, I've just got to let you know

'Cause I wonder where you are
And I wonder what you do
Are you somewhere feeling lonely, or is someone loving you?
Tell me how to win your heart
For I haven't got a clue
But let me start by saying, I love you ...

Yes! I was wondering…
I had a thousand unanswered questions in my mind.
I would like an answer, hope that could lessen this pain.
It has been many months; would these memories haunt me forever?

Am I not getting a little too sentimental and personal?
Hey! You don’t want to spoil your mood, do you?
What are you waiting for? Close this!!!

Coming to the end of the journey, I reached my destination around 12:30 PM.
Arun was waiting at the station, and we drove home.
Looking forward to a wonderful vacation!!!

Category: 0 comments

Of Rocket Launchers and Coffee Beans

Last Friday, the SP-Belk desks observed a moment of silence.
It was parting time again. It was time for Bharath to say Goodbye.
The ritual, a game of Halo...the last one for Predator. No more Bloodshed at his hands.
The Covenants rejoiced, another fellow marine quit the company.
I never believed it, you would have seen his comment on the Goodbye note to Stardust .
He was quiting, for better prospectives, to take up his family business, to run a coffee plantation.

I am sure we would meet again!
Ofcourse, the next time we meet, I want you to invite me to a vacation in your coffee plantation!
Wishing you all the best for your new endeavour...

Category: 0 comments

Goodbye Stardust

Halo 2 is a ver popular game among us guys in office.
War cries fill the atmosphere during off production hours.
I can remember those early days in SP&Belk, you could hear people cry "Dont kill me, I am on a call". Gone are those days, we rarely play now, a lot of work and people are too busy for a game. Of all the players, Muggy and Dev were the first to leave the team. We missed them, but Terrorist and Demolish soon bridged the gap.
Over 18 months as a part of the Sp-Belk Team, Terminator seen many members come and a many go...and most of them loved playing Halo.

I tried introducing other network games as well, UT, NFS, F.I.R.E, etc.
However, Halo has always been the most played and most popular among them.
The facts, that it can be played on a number of machines from a single installation and that it runs well on both new and old PCs are the advantages over the rest.

Now, Stardust is leaving, he has found a new job elsewhere.

Here is the Goodbye note from the Terminator's desk.

From the Desk of Terminator

Dear Stardust,

Wipe your bloody Visor,
Put down your weapons,
Ease your flexed muscles.
Let our armours clash one last time,
I want to say Goodbye Mate.

No more Double Kill.
No more Killing spree!
Never again, a "Back me up!"
I wouldn't hear you say, "All right, mate, I'm right behind you!"
Stardust wouldn't grunt again.

My rockets wouldn't find you in camouflage again.
My grenades wouldn't stick to your torso, no more blue flames to devour you.
I wouldn't fly a Banshee over Stardust, nor would my Warthog pump fire into your chest.
Our snipers would never again spot a hidden Stardust and knock life out of his brain.
No more suicide penalty for you, no seconds countdown.

We will miss killing you Stardust.
We will miss your war cry and seeing our blood at your hands.
Covenants would be happy that a great soldier has left Halo,
But Bhailog would continue to be strong and hold the your name.

Fight every battle, win every you won last night!
Wish you success in the game called LIFE!
Bhailog, lets bid adieu to Stardust.
Long live Stardust, the Great Warrior of our times!
Miss Terrorist, Demolish, Maverick, Terminator, Yo!Man, Chunnibaba, Hacker, New001 and all the other warriors!

Alternate link: click here to download the pic

About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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