The sea shell from Pondy

This is the height of procrastination. A post due from Nov 2006!!!
Bhailog went for trip to Pondy on the long weekend in November last year.

On the beach we had picked up a sea shell that looked beautiful and different from the others.
Since we were unable to capture it on Subho's 35mm Film, due to some unavoidable technical problems, we decided to carry it back to Bangalore. For 2 whole months it lay in my cupboard, forgotten and to be re-discovered sometime in January while cleaning up the cupboards!
I felt like crying when I saw the shell, it had lost color and no longer looked special .

Redirecting you to Subho's Brainbit on the trip:
Subhadip Purakayastha - Brainbit: Courte voyage sur Pondicherry...
Category: 4 comments


Subhadip said...

What technical problem? I had the 100-300mm lens which was unable to focus on the small shell among the sand in bright sunlight.

Unknown said...
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My name is Palas...and i'm no more an active blogger said...

I belive we did succeed in taking snaps from Amrit's cam keeping ur shells in Sanjiv's WKS

ViMaL said...

Dada! That was the technical problem :O :P We didnt have the right lens!!!

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