At the tea shop

For a few months now, I have this weird shift timings... 3 AM to 12 PM!
I would call that a early morning shift, not a graveyard one (being optimistic :D).
For months together it was damn boring. With just me and Tem in the office, we couldn't even make use of the downtime to catch up with a game of Halo *sigh*.
Now that the Empeeror comes to work in the morning, we spend a few hours together. Rides to the tea-shop outside the gate of EGL is becoming a routine.
As always, the tea-shop is the best place to meet buddies who work in other offices! :)
Chaayakada rocks!!!

 Mervin clicked this snap for Chaayakada ;)

Category: 2 comments

Merry Christmas!

Folks, apologies for not being around for long.

I had to visit my home-town, and was gone for a few days. Ask why? Haha, that's what's my next post is gonna be all about!

Hey, howz my new template?

This one quite impressed me. Simple yet attractive, that is what I felt. I thought of giving my blog a new look, on new year! Oh yeah, and a new title and name, "Chaayakada" ! -the Tea shop - a place were mallus love hang around. They can gossip, rave and rant, discuss international politics or household affairs and what not, all over a cup of tea and pazham pori!
-----------that would be the new URL for this blog(in a few weeks).

Well, that goes with the kinda talk I do on this blog :) , what do you feel?

Cucek-ians from the 2004 IT batch wouldn't forget our MSN Chat room, Kelappan's Chaayakada.

The template, I got this one from . They call it the KISS template.

Their version of KISS for blogger had some bugs and didn't go quite well with my blog layout, hence had to modify it. I had to fix a few tags, and added some scripts and modified the CSS.
I would appreciate, if you could scribble a comment and let me know how this one looks.
My version of the code is available, click here.

Merry Christmas to all you folks out there!

Pic courtesy : Deviant Art

About Me

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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