TAG - The Pundit Blogger!

Another cool thing from Blogthings!
This one made me proud *smug* *blush* !

You Are a Pundit Blogger!

Your blog is smart, insightful, and always a quality read.
Truly appreciated by many, surpassed by only a few.

I am a Pundit Blogger! *rofl*

Here comes the next one...

You Are 27% Selfish

In general, you are a very giving person who treats others very well.
But at times, you insist on getting your way - when it matters most to you.

So I am selfish *:-*


You Are 24% Abnormal

You are at medium risk for being a psychopath. It is somewhat likely that you have no soul.
You are at low risk for having a borderline personality. It is unlikely that you are a chaotic mess.
You are at low risk for having a narcissistic personality. It is unlikely that you are in love with your own reflection.
You are at low risk for having a social phobia. It is unlikely that you feel most comfortable in your mom's basement.
You are at medium risk for obsessive compulsive disorder. It is somewhat likely that you are addicted to hand sanitizer.

Ah! I'm kinda mentally stable, uh? *:-*


You Are 77% Grown Up, 23% Kid

Congratulations, you are definitely quite emotionally mature.
Although you have your moments of moodiness, you're usually stable and level headed.

The Kid in me wants something *dreaming* *;)*

Another one that made me proud *smug* ...

You Are a Dare Devil

For you, life is one big dare.
And you're all in for any adventure.
Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating.
You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself!

Ah! Kinda interesting...
I think I should tag someone.
Let me invite Subhadip and Palas.

How to do this tag?

Simple, follow these links, do the tests and copy paste the code generated into ye post!

1) What Kind of Blogger Are You?
2) How Selfish Are You?
3) How Abnormal Are You?
4) How Emotionally Mature Are You?
5) How Daring Are You?

At last!

From the time I could remember I did not like the idea of getting to know her. I always felt she is something beyond my reach.
People said she was tough, and that she was the best. Somewhere in my mind I got this feeling, I wanted to know her. As I grew up, that feeling got buried somewhere in my mind, I never got to meet her, lack of oppurtunity and I was too busy with other things.

Now I have grown up, i was reluctant, but I wanted to give a try. "Am I ready" was the question that lurked in my mind. I told myself I am ready...I should be, com'on I am a grown up and a comp tech, I would be able to tackle any unpleasant situation that might arise. I wanted to give it a try.

It took me 5 months to arrange a rendevous. When I started, I had no hope that I would make it to her...i had to face a lotta hurdles!
Eventually it happened... I got a email briefing me on the date, time and venue.
06/11/2006...I started early from my home, I didnt want to be late...it was gonna be a new day, a new begining, and I had made up my mind : if she turns out to be interesting, she is gonna be with me for long! The traffic was heavy, as anticipated and I was late. My heart pounding hard as I neared the venue. I opened the door, and there... She was in all her glory, I loved her at the first sight. I found myself whispering "Been waiting for this day babe"

A couple of days went by and I got to know more about her. I was starting to like her. She wasn't that tough..."Oh babe!"

Wednesday... I thought I should sit next to her, it might help me get to know her more. I dont know if I was lucky, but this was going to be a rather eventful day.

About 2 hrs later, i realised we were alone. I moved closer....my heart was beating faster... I found she her top wasn't fastened... I was feeling lucky! i looked around... and undressed her! I loved what I saw... I was enjoying every bit of it.. beautiful, awsome! I was left dumbstruck... did not utter a word...

Did I stay away for years...to like her like hell ?

I regained my senses after a while, brought out my cell and clicked a few snaps!
I didn't know where to start clicking...i could not find the processor, all I could see were arrays of boards and cables. But I did make out a few parts. AIX! Unix for the RS/6000 machines...IBM eServer...the architecture... extremely beautiful, atleast I felt so!

My Geek Code!

Kickassso got me to check this page:


And yo! here is my geek code:


Version: 3.1

GCS/E/IT/MU d-@>++ s+: a-- C++$>++++ UAC++(+++)$>++++ P@>$ L@>+++++ E W+++(+++)$>+++ N o K---(---)? w++++$>+++++ !O(----)@ !M-- !V-- PS+(++)@>+++ PE@>+++ Y@ PGP+>+++ !t@ !5 X+(++)$>++++ R@* tv b(++)>++++ DI++++ D++(++)>+++ !G e++(++++)>+++++ h(+)>++$ r++(+)> y+**


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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and wide...love to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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