Highlights of a jungle trip : Borrowed from Subho's Brainbit

Being a procrastinator, it took me long to blog this.

Date: 10th June 2006

SP&Belk's trip to Masinagudi.
A trip that we had been planing for 6 months! Deepak Dev was the first one to come up with the idea, and 4 months after both Muggy and Dev quit IBM, we are packing our bags again for the Massinagudi trip.
The rooms were booked well in advance (Stan and Sandy had done that around mid-May), but we were yet to finalize the transport. We spoke to a few vendors, but we couldn't seem to find a satisfactory deal; the govt. was planing to hike oil/gas prices. However, a few days before the trip we gotta a good deal, and finalized it as we were running out of time. We booked on a Tempo Traveller for Rs 14/km.
We planned to start from office around 4 in the morning and reach the Jungle Hut before noon.
Everyone was in the van by 4:15 and we were ready to move, but Sheruda was missing. We tried calling her, no one was picking the call. We decided to wait for another 30 mins. As expected, she never turned up (She slept off! poor gurl, she missed all the fun :p).
It was a long drive... I dozed off! Around 6:30 we alighted for breakfast at the Cafe CofeeDay on the Mysore road.

Life - The Turning Point
At the Breakfast table
After breakfast, we waited for Sandy and family to join us. They were in their Palio.
We reached Jungle Hut before Lunch.
Read below. :) Me still a procastinator! heehee
Subhadip Purakayastha - Brainbit: Highlights of a jungle trip

The Gold Hunt

8th July, Bangalore

Kumaran Jagdeeshan : Male, 23 years, 5’11”
Palas Panja : Male, 31 years, 5’11”

Destination : Kolar Gold Fields, Kolar, Karnataka. 98 kms towards East of Bangalore

The Emperor was planning this trip for a week. Now, don't ask me why the name Emperor, I know its absurd, but Kumaran calls himself “The Emperor”, and me being a person who respects everyone’s individuality, I address him not as His Majesty, but as Mr. Emperor.
Last weekend, he rode his Pulsar from from Bangalore to Chennai and back(750+ kms), something that he claims to be adventurous. The side effects of this adventure included a sore throat, painful shoulders and blood red eyes (you might wanna call him Dracula). But that didn't stop him; he really wanted to get away from the hustle of the city.

I had no plans for the weekend and Mr. Emperor invited me to join him. 200 kms on his mobike wasn’t an attractive offer, but a trip is something I would never wanna turn down, I accepted it on one condition, we go by car, or me not going.

12:30 PM, Saturday.
Me calls up Palas Bhai, the Emperor’s Advisor(don’t askkk y, that's how the Emperor calls him, lol).
“Palas bhai, wats plans for today? Hey, isn’t today the 8th? We got the Premier League and GSDC TownHall tonight ”
Yaar, I asked the others, seems like no one in our team is going for the event”. Hmm, I know that's bad, but we have to accept facts.
“Ok, so wat do u think Bhai, we’ll go?”
Yeah, I am free. But Vimal, how will we go?”
“Emperor might be coming, let me c if I could get one more bike.” Man, it’s a weekend, no chance, every damn guy with a bike would go out with his (girl) friend(s).
“Bhai, lemme try calling Yumperor, will call u back soon. I’ll also check with Mervin, he's gotta car.”
Ok bhai.”

The IBM GSDC TownHall was to take place that evening, a mega event at Palace grounds, a great evening with a lot of fun and KK’s concert. Now, that was the sexy option. We could have some real fun, meet up with friends, listen to some good music, feast, dance till we were dead tired and of course not to count out the possibility of pairing up with nice chicks :D ;).

12:35 PM, Saturday. Emperor calls me up, asks “wat’s ya plan ?”.
Briefed him about my conversation with Palas. We tried calling Mervin but he was not picking up his cell. Since we couldn't find a car, I decided to quit.
Asked the Emperor to contact Palas and fix up something.

12: 45 PM. The plan was finalized, if we could get hold of Mervin, 4 of us going to Kolar, else Kumar and Palas to make the trip on the Pulsar.

3:30 PM. The Yumperor and his Advisor set off on the Gold Hunt.

Kolar Mines are the world's deepest gold mines. They are 2,400 meters below surface, and are also the oldest and largest in the country. The mines extend over 98 kms.
The mines are open on Saturdays, and I expected the Emperor to go into one of them and dig up gold ore.

On their way to KGF, Yump almost met with an accident.
Folks, we have heard of storm chasers, our heroes turned “Rain Chasers”! They chased rain, got wet and to add spice to the whole thing, they were at 100 kmph that they had to stop when they were in the rain. Palas was shouting, “Needles piercing, bhai! Stop, stop!

NH – 4, the route is through Hoskote to Kolar. Either side of the road is a feast for the eyes, fields, water bodies and trees. Emperor couldn’t wait to click a snap of the blossoming trees, that the main motive behind this trip.

The NH at Kolar is a straight road, and you can clearly see vehicles more than 3 kms away. This is where the Emperor wanted to stop, and click some snaps. To his disappointment, before he could click the 7th snap, his cam went dead. Our heroes d didn't carry spare cells *sigh*; we missed some good snaps people.

Now, since they had nothing better to do, our heroes decided to drive towards KGF, 38 kms ahead. Now we have lost track of time, Palas and Kumar, u got to input these in the comments, I would appreciate that, it would help us. Yeah, really:D !

Our heroes roam around KGF, trying to find a mine that looked inviting. They wanted to go down one of them digging for gold. There were a zillion thoughts in the Emperor’s mind…."which mine would be the best one", "where could I find easy gold", "Me don't wanna get dirty…how to dig without getting dirty", "is the deepest mine the better one? Or does smaller means a less used one?"

These mines were closed in 2001, coz the government couldn't make enough profit and the cost of production was rising tremendously.

Hmmm, I guess you guys now know how challenging this Gold hunt is.
Before he could go down one of those shafts, Emperor and his Advisor decide to pee.
Our heroes, become naughty li’l boys for a while ;) wanna read ahead? [If you would prefer this censored, please proceed to the next paragraph]. Our li’l hero boys, they got into a pee- war.:0 Hahaha! OMG!

To their surprise, the tiny rock that they were peeing on sparkled! :0
Emperor orders a halt, produces a polythene cover, lifts the rock and washes it in a stream of water (hmm, our kiddies are royal enough not to pick it up with bare hands. heehee)
Mr. Advisor scrubbed the glittering rock, to reveal more yellow shine!!!

5:30 PM. “Hello Vimal Bhai, guess wat, we got Gold!”

In minutes the word was around, Emperor and his Advisor found gold!

8:00 PM. Our Heroes met me in front of Krishna Bakery, shows me the Gold. Man, I was surprised, couldn't belive my eyes! It was a bluish piece of rock with multicolored strips, prolly metal ores, and there was this vien of gold, about 5mm thick, broader towards the edges. Bhai showed me another one, thinner, about 2mm thick.

So people, that's the story of a gold hunt. How the Emperor and his Advisor went on a trip, got pissed and found Gold.:D

There was one more question that came to the Emperor’s mind, "Am I gifted?" .:p

Do we have somebody here, who turns whatever he pees on to Gold? A Golden Pee? :0

Click here to view Palas Bhai's version of the story.

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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and wide...love to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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