When opportunity knocks...

"When opportunity knocks, people complain about the noise."
- Quoted by Sritvatsabhargava Shastri, a rather interesting person I met over the weekend.

Kumar wanted to meet one of his old pals, Srivatsa, last weekend. This man was his colleague at NIPUNA, Hyderabad. Srivatsa lives in Saraswathi Nagar, near the ISKON Temple. Kumar has nothing but praise for this guy and that made me think I should meet this "great" personality. I had wanted to visit the ISKON Temple for quite a long time,but had never gotten the chance, so I thought I should grab this one. That would be "two birds at a single shot", to quote a mallu phrase. As per plans, Kumar picked me up around 4 PM, and we proceeded on his Pulsar to Kid's Shop at Indira Nagar to pick up some baby stuff for Srivatsa's kid. From there, an hours drive through the rain and traffic on the Hyderabad Road took us to Yeshwanthpur. With not much trouble we found the ISKON Temple in all its pride and glory. Srivatsa was there to receive us. The place was crowded being a weekend, so I had to postpone my visit to the temple. A mile ahead I could see the Golden gopura of the Hanuman devasthana and the big Venkateshwara devasthana beside it.

We spent some time at Srivatsa's place, where he showed us his wedding albums, some snaps from their days in Hyderabad and his firewall lab. I had a nice time listening to the stories from their "good old days". Hmm.., not to forget this, I saw this snap of Urmi and Jay, and Srivatsa was teasing him through out.

Saraswathi Nagar was a very nice place. With many temples around, the atmosphere was filled with floral fragrance, chimes and chants. I could feel an eternal joy, the kind of a feeling I get when I am in my village.

As always, the King wanted to speak over drinks, so somewhere around half past 7 we drove to the White Horse Restaubar. This is where I got to know more about Srivatsa.
We spoke for more than 3 hours. This guy who was a call center executive in Nipuna had risen to the position of Solaris Administrator in Wipro Technologies within an year, all credits to his hard work and dedication. I had a lot to learn from him.

Talking about learning, this is what he had to say :What does a man learn when he is dying? Ans: He learns to die. Man is always learning, consciously or unconsciously. He spoke on how the corporates see us, the human resources. He gave us a fair idea of where we stand in this IT era, and how to plan our strategy of moving up the corporate ladder.

OSPF(Open shortest path first) was what he adviced us to follow. Set small goals , achieve them, and then work towards your bigger goal. There is no time to waste, set goals achievable in a shorter time frame and work hard to cover these milestones.

Finally around 10:30PM we bid adieu to Srivatsa and took our road back home. I felt a lot better, I knew what I wanted to be. My mind was at peace...a break from the turbulence of confusion.
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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and wide...love to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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