Difference between primary school, secondary and university

This is an email that was forwarded to me by a friend.
In Primary school, its the innocence of a kid, love - pure version.
When you get to high school, u start looking for girl friends
For sure, by the time you graduate, you would have slept with or would be looking forward to sleep with your girl friend(s).


Primary School



Secondary School





Category: 3 comments


Anonymous said...

Hahaha. That was too cruel of you to upoad this to your blog :D

ViMaL said...

:D why cruel John? Did I hurt someone?

Anonymous said...

Not really, but this a truth that hits hard.
In the dark ages, sexual pleasure was treasured. Outside marriage, it meant disaster. lol, it was tought to fuck with out making the girl pregnant.
Our brighter world holds no value for marriage now, sex is an anytime anywhere entertainment, and one doesn't need to worry or feel guilty.

Enjoy tonight, forget it tomorrow.
I'm crazy! :D

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