The Revamp in 2011!

Oh my! such a long time without a single post here.
This blog has been ignored. Life moved on, technology progressed and the world runs Web 2.x and connects via 3.x G . Am I not late for a change???

This is the era of micro-blogging, of Tweeting, of social networking - Facebook overtaking Orkut. I am not regular on Twitter either. All I could do was be active on Facebook. No blames. It was just the time of life that everyone goes through.

So its time for a new template and a new address. Chaayakada has been archived and the blog has been baptized as VimRants, just to make it sound more like me. The genre and style we thought of working Chaayakada out on is lost. I do not know where it went, it seems more impossible now. Largely because people who would reflect on Chaayakada has evolved brains that work on more complex matter and cant think simple anymore! hehe.

So welcome back myself and everyone else who wanted to see Chaayakada.
For new guests, thanks for stopping by and Hope to see you again soon !
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Bangalore, Karnataka, India
A libran. In love with life, life sucks at times! With a passion to travel far and to see the beauty around me. Bloginality describes me as a INFP. My blogger code: B7 d+ t- k+ s++ u+ f i o++ x+ e+ l+ c (decode it!) More? read on...

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